About us

Established in 1992 with the clear intent to do and be the best we can. This philosophy is still at the core of our business today. Design Unlimited has developed into a multi award winning builder with the ability to deliver a consistently high quality standard of workmanship. Founder David Gates completed two trades before Design Unlimited commenced, Boilermaker/Welding and Carpentry & Joinery. These two trades compliment each other extremely well as modern building designs require steel components to achieve desired results, “not a problem with us”. This extensive trade background ensures sound guidance. Focusing on architectural designs we have achieved our best work on challenging projects. Our team has a wide range of skills to complete a wide range of building projects. David Gates is an Accredited Building Designer which allows us to provide the complete package of Design, Documentations, Construction and Joinery through to completion.


Our Mission:

To create and improve a better built environment with satisfaction through excellence.

Our Vision:

To be widely recognised as the leading building contractor in the delivery of a quality build environment.

Our Values:

  • Strive to work together with people and clients to achieve success on all levels.
  • Equip and encourage staff and employees to be the best they can be in a safe working environment.